About Zulfah

    Kumusta everyone !! hello, let me introduce myself. My name is Siti Zulfah, but all of my friend call me zulfah, but some people also call me zulub, and zullii. Iwas born in Alabio, on August 22th, 20002. But now I live in Banjarmasin City, South Kalimantan Indonesia.  My Major is Social Education, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, in Lambung Mangkurat University. Actually, I didn't want to be a teacher, but this program made me know more about how to become a teacher

    The opportunity this year was given me lots of things, the opportunity become one of part or to be participate in Sea Teacher Student Exchange Batch 9th at University of The Immaculate Conception. I really learned a lot of new experienced thah openend up my mind, about culture, the people in davao, about the food, and educational system of another country, specially in davao city (Philippines). So because of that I able to know what the difference between the culture and education from Indonesia and Philippines. And because this opportunity also made me be come a best version of mayself, and i can say this chance is the best experience ever.

Thank-You Note

Thank you for my parent to given me permission to follow this program and special thanks for my brother because of him I can go to Davao City, and thanks to given me some motivation and ask me for take the chance. And I want to say big thanks for everyone who has worked hard to implement this program. And Thanks to sir Rene, maam Helen, maam Loly, maam Gelsa Dragon, and maam Cosare because made us like in my  home when we are in Davao City.

Also for my friend from Soth Kalimantan, Emma, shofiya, and Hadad thank for be come sibbling to me in davao city, and don’t forget for Ayunie Mukhtar from Malaysia, Fuji atika, fathur and Huda thanks you for all of the help me. I can’t say thanks enough for all of your effort, your kind, and your cuteness that is made comfort zone for me. I learn many things from you guys like something new, memories, and happines in the sames time.

For my student buddy Danica J Colago thank you for trying your best to be there fo me. I appreciate you so much, more than I will even be abble to show you. And also for all buddies, Abby, Mech, and Rodolfo “Gihiggugma tika” I love you guys, you gave me something I can’t forget, and for that I will always be thankful. I hope someday I can visit to davao city and met with all of you again.


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