The most beautiful memories of the experience Sea Teacher Bach 9th in Davao City, Philippines

 Arrival in Davao City

    After two day and one night from Banjarmasin to Davao city, we arrived in davao city at 7:00 am on September 16, 2023. We were picked up by sir Rene then we go into the car and headed to Bangkerohan main campus. After arriving in bangkerohan main campus we were took  to our place of dormentory  and we all packed up our luggage in our respective rooms. The UIC dormitory is for women only and has a rule that all gates and doors will be closed at 9 pm.  After that  we were introduced to a student from Bengkulu who was also taked the same program like us. That evening when we arrived Sir Rene also invited us to have dinner together in Marinatuna . After dinner we were given the wifi password by Sir Rene so we could tell our parents that we had arrived safely.

Week 1

We arrived on Saturday, september 16, 2023 and we spend all the day until sundy for rest. And we start to observation on monday, monday morning all of the us go to bajada campus one of three separate UIC campuses. And we met with maam gesel dragon, sister maria and maam lozada for welcomed us, maam maria was sad if we are must consider UIC like second home.  In the metting we also introduces ourself one by one, what major we are and what section we will teach. After the metting I go to Bonifacio campus and maam lozada introduces me to my CTE maam Cosare. After that introduction, on my first day at Bonifacio, I went around to see the school environment from 1st Floor until 6th floor, and maam gelsa dragon acompany me to saw the clinic and the capel on the first floor. On 2nd Floor I saw the library after that I go to 5th floor and the view there is extraordinary, I can see the mountains and the beach at the same time. So everday I will go to Bonifacio using a jeepney around 5-10 minutes.

The second day I followed and observed when my CTE taught in class and I learned a lot about how to open a class, what the class situation is, and how to make the class active.  Apart from that, I also learned about the material presented by my CTE like Dinigoan, palakangbukid and other. My first week I observed 15 hours of lessons and I entered three classes at Bonifacio, namely of the class St. James, st. Cathrine, and st. Margaret.I found difference every each classes. There was class very active and amased me, and there was class not really into participated with discuss. The first week we also follow CTE OLIMPICS at Bonifacio and all of my friends we play some traditional games from Pihilippines. And on Saturday we went to visit a museum in Davao with student buddy.

 Week 2

The second week was full of Teaching,  my first day of teaching in the second week I started by entering the St. Jemes section and I teach the material about “ Looking back at Human Biocultural and Social Evolution “ , In this material I explain about “Biological and cultural evolution”. I also teach the same material to st. Cathrine and st. Margaret for my first teach the student. The first experience of teaching using English was very challenging for me, but the response given by all the students was extraordinary, so I felt happy when teaching them. In teaching me to gave energizer like dance from my counrty “penguin dance” and gave them some quizzes from kahoot.

Week 3

    In the third week it was still the same like second week, This week I taught with different material from the previous week, my material about “Cultural and sociopolitical evolution” for my student in st. James, st. Cathrine, and st. Margaret. And this week also gave me the opportunity to present about the culture of my country, apart from that I also introduced traditional food from my country to my students and they were very excited to hear my explanation. Because of this, my students were also very enthusiastic about explaining several foods that were almost similar to food from my country, and they also explain how the food tastes.

Week 4

This week, finall I have schedule for my teaching demonstration in st. James. At that time I felt very nervous and excited at the same time, I was very nervous about how I should teach when demonstration. I brought material about “Becoming a member of society”  but one day before that I have to make Learning Plan and gave to my CTE for check it. And the day came when I had to teaching for demonstration. And I feel very satisfied with what I have done as well as possible and feel proud of yourself because you have been able to get through it all. And this week UIC also held a closing ceremony for us.


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